Titles and front covers are key marketing criteria for selling books. Marketing is a vital tool for any business, and I am no marketeer. I have several time-consuming activities: motoring journalist, mechanical engineer, property maintenance, race car builder/preparer, race driver, race instructor, motorsport coach, Law Society expert witness and now author. “Jack of all trades master of none”, I hear you think. Criticism is always welcome, and I know my limitations.

For marketing, I am extremely fortunate to have the flourishing marketing company Bright Innovation supporting me. Then there is information technology (IT). Providence strikes again as I have one of my two successful sons is covering the IT operation. Thanks also goes to the book’s layout, carried out by Michael Ward, photographer and MD of Auto Italia magazine.

Categories: Writing books

Roberto Giordanelli

A London-based Motorsports Coach offering one-to-one courses at a circuit of your choice in your road or race car.